Jan Strycharz

Trend analysis, future applications and economics of TDM

Text and Data Mining (TDM) has a vital role to play to ensure that Big Data exerts an economic impact. Gleaning value from vast...
Frank Hellwig

iCLIC Data Mining and Data Sharing Workshop (Part 3)

Report 3: UK and EU TDM exception, contract override and APIs, wealth transferThis is the third of three blog posts on the iCLIC Data...

EU Copyright and the Path to Reform

If you are following our blogs and twitter feed, you can’t have failed to notice that there has been a fair bit of coverage...
Marco Caspers

A right to read for machines? Part I: The introduction

We, as FutureTDM, we were happy to organise and moderate a panel discussion at the Annual Meeting 2016 of the Association for Information Science...

FutureTDM at the EUhackathon: Visualising Copyright Evidence

The theme of the 6th edition of the EUhackathon held in Brussels last week was ‘visualising copyright evidence to inform the policy debate...
Marco Caspers

Some observations of the French TDM exception

As of October 7, 2016, the law on a Digital Republic (“République Numérique”) introduced an exception for text and data mining (TDM) in the...
Copyright for Creativity

Text and Data Mining: how the Future TDM workshop highlighted the...

For the legal geeks among us, it is now old news that the European Commission, after promising to modernise copyright, issued a rather...
Frank Hellwig

iCLIC Data Mining and Data Sharing Workshop (Part 2)

Report 2: Sui generis database right, functional vs. technical view, caveats of the Japanese TDM exception, integrationThis is the second of three blog...
Frank Hellwig

iCLIC Data Mining and Data Sharing Workshop (Part 1)

Report 1: TDM exception, copyright reform process, temporary copying, reproduction rightThe iCLIC Data Mining and Data Sharing workshop took place on 23rd September 2016...
Marco Caspers

The Commission’s proposed TDM exception: Who’s to benefit?

This blog post was originally published on the Kluwer Copyright Blog on September 15, 2016.Recently, the Commission published a draft of the Commission’s impact assessment “on the modernisation...