Negation and Modality Detection

Generally speaking, modality is a grammatical category that allows the expression of aspects related to the attitude of the speaker towards his statements in terms of degree of certainty, reliability, subjectivity, sources of information, and perspective.
Negation is a grammatical category that allows the changing of the truth value of a proposition. Since these to parameters characterise human language and influence the value and the meaning of a proposition, in order to truly understand human language natural language processing must consider these extra-propositional aspects.
Morante, R., & Sporleder, C. (2012). Modality and negation: An introduction to the special issue. Comput. Linguist., 38(2), 223–260.
Morante, R., & Daelemans, W. (2012). Annotating modality and negation for a Machine Reading Evaluation. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Vol. 1178). CEUR-WS