Sentiment Analysis/Opinion Mining

Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is the computational study that analyses written language in order to identify and extract subjective information such as people's opinion, sentiments, emotions, attitudes, and evaluations.
Being an important research area in natural language processing (NLP), sentiment analysis also applies techniques of text analysis, computational linguistics, statistics and machine learning. Moreover, sentiment analysis is studied in text mining, data mining, and web mining. However, since opinions influence and initiate humans' activities, sentiment analysis and opinion mining are important methods for analysing economic factors and society as a whole. Consequently, sentiment analysis has spread outside of computer science to areas such as social media, marketing or customer service.
Liu, B. (2012). Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining (p. 167-). Morgan & Claypool.
Nissim, M., & Patti, V. (2017). Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks. Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks (pp. 31–48). Elsevier